In the interest of patient care services of LGBRIMH and in order to implement the directives / guidelines of the Govt. of India issued from time to time on account of outbreak of COVID-19, the Director, LGBRIMH hereby notifies in brief the content of Ministry’s guidelines along with preparedness document for rearrangement of patient care services in LGBRIMH as decided in a meeting held today as per Annexure for implementation with immediate effect.
The preparedness document is illustrative only and not exhaustive. For detailed guidelines etc. link in the Institute’s website may scrupulously be followed from time to time for updated information.
This issues as per instruction of the Director.
Note: Annexure (not uploaded in the website) for internal circulation only.
(T. Mohanta)
Chief Administrative Officer
Copy to:
2. All HODs/In-charges
3. All Officers
4. All employees (through notice board)
(T. Mohanta)
Chief Administrative Officer