Kayakalp E Library

National Patient Safety Implementation Framework (2018-2025)
Guidelines for Hospital Emergency Preparedness Planning
Standard Operating Procedure for Autoclave

Disinfection And Sterilisation

Hand Hygiene: Why, How & When?

Standard Operating Procedure for Housekeeping

Standard Operating Procedure for Hospital Infection Control Practices

 Kayakalp Assessment Checklist - Tertiary Care Institutions

Standard Operating Procedure for Maintenance of Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure for Needle Stick Injuiry Protocol

Standard Operating Procedure on Occupational Exposure to Blood and Body Fliuds and Post Exposure Prophylaxis

Standard Operating Procedure on Hand Hygiene

Standard Operating Procedure for making Hypochlorite Solution

Standard Operating Procedure for using Personal Protective Equipment
Spill Management - Kayakalp
Standard Precautions - Kayakalp
Decontamination and Cleaning
Cleaning frequency to be followed
Kayakalp Notes
Kitchen Services
Laundry Services and Linen Management
Kayakalp Assessment Questionnaire

Standard Operating Procedure High Level Disinfectants