Relevant Acts & Rules

LGBRIMH is a fully funded GOI autonomous institute setup under the direction of Honourable Supreme Court and established as autonomous registered society under Society registration Act 1860 with its own Constitution and Byelaw. However for a few administrative/practical purposes relevant central government rules are adopted as and when required mutatis mutandis

2. CCS (CCA) RULES, 1965
3. Office memorandum in reference to immovable property vide order no. 25/10/55-Estt.(A) dated 12th January, 1956
4. Mental Healthcare Act 2017
5. Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Associations) Rules, 1993
6. The Right to Information Act
7. Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016
8. Constitution and Byelaws of LGBRIMH
9. CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (LEAVE) RULES, 1972 (Updated as on 24.09.2024)