No conflict of interest with the tobacco industry

Tobacco serves as the gateway to addiction for many individuals. Every year, millions of children in India start experimenting with tobacco, leading to lifelong addiction. Global evidence underscores tobacco use as the primary cause of premature mortality, hindering individuals, families, communities, and nations from reaching their full potential and developmental goals. The tobacco industry stands among the most corrupt and unethical, with practices aimed at maximizing profits at the expense of public health. Both the WHO and numerous leading public health organizations caution against the deceptive tactics employed by tobacco companies to promote their addictive products.

In alignment with these principles, LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health(LGBRIMH) is committed to advocating for a tobacco-free lifestyle and combating addiction. Recognizing an inherent conflict of interest between the tobacco industry and public health, LGBRIMH emphasizes the importance of abstaining from tobacco. We refrain from engaging with any entity directly or indirectly associated with the tobacco industry. We neither partner with nor accept support, financial or otherwise, from organizations aligned with tobacco interests. Our stance remains steadfast: we do not endorse any form of support from the tobacco industry, be it in cash or in kind.