(Last updated on 19.03.2025)
E-Auction Notice for disposal of unserviceable condemned items (GeM Auction Id: 19743 dated 19-03-2024)
Tender notice for providing of vehicles on rental service on as and when required basis to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2025_LRIMH_853563_1 dated 18-03-2025)
Tender notice for supply of Diesel, Petrol and Lubricant to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2025_LRIMH_853555_1 dated 18-03-2025)
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated ESR analyzer and Urine analyzer (Tender ID: 2025_LRIMH_852809_1 dated 11-03-2025)
Tender notice for supply of Dietary items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2025_LRIMH_852709_1 dated 10-03-2025)
Tender notice for supply of Printing items, printing related items & accessories to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2025_LRIMH_851859_1 dated 05-03-2025)
Tender notice for supply, installation & commissioning of Neurofeedback and EEG-ERP system to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2025_LRIMH_851233_1 dated 28-02-2025)
GeM Bid for Customized AMC/CMC for Pre-owned Products - Computerized ECT Machine With ECG EEG Facility; Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) vide Bid No. GEM/2025/B/5993401 dated 25-02-2025
GeM Bid for Urine Drug Screen Kit vide Bid No. GEM/2025/B/5942604 dated 24-02-2025
GeM Bid for Supply of Electrical Items for Maintenance vide Bid No. GEM/2025/B/5968293 dated 18-02-2025
Tender notice for supply of Diesel, Petrol and Lubricant to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2025_LRIMH_848661_1 dated 11-02-2025)
E-Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated coagulation analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2025_LRIMH_846034_1 dated 28-01-2025)
GeM Bid for 5 Part Automated Hematology Analyser vide Bid No. GEM/2024/B/5701813 dated 23-01-2025
GeM Bid for Fully Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer vide Bid No. GEM/2024/B/5719111 dated 23-01-2025
GeM Bid for Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops and Peripherals vide Bid No. GEM/2024/B/5720716 dated 18-12-2024
Quotation notice for sealed quotations are invited from interested firms for running a Tea Stall for a period of one year at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Last date of quotation submission is 27-12-2024)
Quotation notice for sealed quotations are hereby invited from interested firms for providing of Office refreshments, as and when required at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Last date of quotation submission is 29-12-2024)
Tender notice for Supply of psychotropic medicines to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_831942_1 dated 22-10-2024)
Tender notice for Supply of Dietary items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_826424_1 dated 17-09-2024)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Medicines to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_824466_1 dated 04-09-2024)
Re-Quotations invited for binding of books and journals
GeM Bid for Furniture items vide Bid No. GEM/2024/B/5284650 dated 14-08-2024
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits), Consumables and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated open Clinical Chemistry Analyzer(Floor Model) (Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_819994_1 dated 05-08-2024)
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) device to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (ETender ID: 2024_LRIMH_819695_1 dated 02-08-2024)
Re-Quotations calling for Refilling of cartridge and supply of color ink (2024)
GeM Bid for Stationary items vide Bid No. GEM/2024/B/5212429 dated 26-07-2024
Quotation invited for binding of books and journals
Extension of last date of submission of quotations for supply of Dietary items at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (LGB/NAZ/1329/24-25/3863 dated 11.07.2024)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Medicines to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_816272_1 dated 12-07-2024)
Call for objection against installation and commissioning of consumables and spare parts for cleaning machines for LGBRIMH under proprietary Article certificate
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for supply of dietary items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (2024)
Re-Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for running of Departmental Canteen at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (2024)
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for providing cable TV Services to different sections/departments of LGBRIMH (2024)
GeM Bid for Furniture items vide Bid No. GEM/2024/B/5035611 dated 11-06-2024
E-Auction Notice for disposal of unserviceable condemned items (GeM Auction Id: 12540 dated 06-06-2024)
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) & Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated Immunoassay analyzer (Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_810242_1 dated 06-06-2024)
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated Immunoassay analyzer (Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_810039_1 dated 05-06-2024)
GeM Bid for Stationary items vide Bid No. GEM/2024/B/5010396 dated 05-06-2024
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for running of Departmental Canteen at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (2024)
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for Refilling of cartridge and supply of color ink (2024)
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for supply of Newspapers and Magazines (2024) to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) Consumables and Chemicals for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated open Clinical Chemistry Analyzer (Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_800598_1 dated 14-03-2024)
Tender notice for supply of Diesel, Petrol and Lubricant to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_793920_1 dated 05-02-2024)
Tender notice for supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated ESR analyzer and Urine analyzer to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_793539_1 dated 02-02-2024)
Tender notice for supply of Physiotherapy equipments to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2024_LRIMH_792684_1 dated 30-01-2024)
Quotation notice for sealed quotations are hereby invited from interested firms for providing of Office refreshment at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Last date of quotation submission is 06-02-2024)
Notice inviting quotation for Repairing Works of Brush Cutter Machine in Hospital to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of Dietary items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_784538_1 dated 08-12-2023)
Notice inviting quotation for supply of dietary items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of printing items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_781995_1 dated 22-11-2023)
GeM Bid for Hospital Sofa cum Bed (Q3) vide Bid No. GEM/2023/B/4219672 dated 17-11-2023
Notice inviting quotation for Repairing Works of Sofa cum Bed in Hospital to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP E-publish ID : 2023_LGBR_734036_1 dated 10-11-2023)
GeM Bid for Hand Held Brush Cutter (V2) (Q3) vide Bid No. GEM/2023/B/4191197 dated 09-11-2023
Re-Tender notice for Supply of dietary items to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_778402_1 dated 27-10-2023)
SNIQ for repairing of existing brocken Incinerator including lifting, welding, stay fixing complete as required 30 metre length chimney at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of printing items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_775598_1 dated 11-10-2023)
Notice inviting quotation for Repairing Works of Sofa cum Bed in Hospital to LGBRIMH (CPP Epublish ID: 2023_LGBR_730119_1 dated 10-10-2023)
Tender notice for Supply of psychotropic medicines to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_774808_1 dated 05-10-2023)
Tender notice for Supply of dietary items to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_774168_1 dated 03-10-2023)
GeM Bid for Scanning and Digitisation Service (Version 2) vide Bid No. GEM/2023/B/3916001 dated 05-09-2023
E-Tender for supply of medicines to LGBRIMH to be used in the Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_770131_1 dated 05-09-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated ESR analyzer and Urine analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_768838_1 dated 29-08-2023)
E-Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated coagulation analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_768849_1 dated 29-08-2023)
GeM Bid for Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops and Peripherals vide Bid No. GEM/2023/B/3803212 dated 11-08-2023
GeM Bid for Fully Automatic Bio Chemistry Analyzer (Q3) vide Bid No. GEM/2023/B/3662488 dated 11-07-2023
E-Tender notice for Supply of medicines to LGBRIMH to be used in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_760119_1 dated 03-07-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Medicines to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_759328_1 dated 26-06-2023)
Procurement projection for next 5 years
Call for objection against procurement of APA PsycNET - PsycArticles (119 + Journals) (as per Annexure I) under proprietary Article certificate
RE-Tender notice for supply and transportation to site of Psychological tests material to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_755744_1 dated 31-05-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply, Installation, commissioning Simulation lab and Microteaching lab for LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_755131_1 dated 26-05-2023)
Call for Objection Notice for procurement of Psychological Test Materials (as per Annexure I) for LGBRIMH through Department of Clinical Psychology from publisher Pearson IndiaEducation Services Pvt. Ltd. under Proprietary article certificate
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for supply of Newspapers and Magazines to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for Refilling of cartridge and supply of color ink
E-Tender notice for Supply of medicines to LGBRIMH to be used in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_752608_1 dated 10-05-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply, Installation, commissioning and operation of Kiosk based Automated Queue Management System (AQMS) for LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_752633_1 dated 10-05-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated coagulation analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_752450_1 dated 09-05-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated ESR analyzer and Urine analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_752428_1 dated 09-05-2023)
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for providing cable TV Services to different sections/departments of LGBRIMH
E-Tender notice for Upgradation of IBM SPSS to 29th version for 10 users at Central Library, LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_750889_1 dated 27-04-2023)
E-Tender notice for supply and transportation to site of Psychological tests material to LGBRIMH (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_745318_1 dated 15-03-2023)
E-Tender notice for supply of medicines to LGBRIMH to be used in the Department of Child and adolescent psychiatry (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_744956_1 dated 13-03-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated ESR analyzer and Urine analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_744945_1 dated 13-03-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated Immunoassay analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_744066_1 dated 06-03-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply, Installation, commissioning and operation of Kiosk based Automated Queue Management System (AQMS) for LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_744048_1 dated 06-03-2023)
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) Supply, Installation, commissioning and operation of Web Based Scheduled SMS & Out Bound Dialing (OBD) Reminder System at LGBRIMH, Tezpur(Epublish Tender ID: 2023_LGBR_702652_1 dated 06-02-2023)
Short Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for providing Digital display and other accessories on rental service basis at LGBRIMH, Tezpur on 17th and 18th March, 2023
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated coagulation analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_743270_1 dated 01-03-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Physiotherapy equipments to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_742838_1 dated 27-02-2023)
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for running of Departmental Canteen at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Corrigendum regarding extension of last date of NIQ submission for opening of Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Janaushadhi Kendra (PMBJK)
Re-eTender for AMC For Maintenance of the 33 KV dedicated feeder From Batamari 33 KV Sub Station to LGBRIMH 33 KV Sub Station Control Room (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_739541_1 dated 08-02-2022)
Notice Inviting Quotation(NIQ) for allotment of space (250 Sq. ft.) in monthly rental basis for opening of Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Janaushadhi Kendra (PMBJK) at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Epublish Tender ID: 2023_LGBR_698170_1 dated 08-02-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) & Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated ESR analyzer and Urine analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_738275_1 dated 02-02-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated Immunoassay analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_735758_1 dated 18-01-2023)
Re-Notice Inviting Quotation for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Biometric Attendance Device Along With Cloud Based Attendance Dashboard at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LGBR_694663_1 dated 13-01-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated coagulation analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2023_LRIMH_734431_1 dated 11-01-2023)
Corrigendum regarding NIQ for Painting of Existing Wall in front of Administrative building at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Epublish Tender ID: 2023_LGBR_693169_1 dated 04-01-2023)
NIQ for Painting of Existing Wall in front of Administrative building at LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Epublish Tender ID: 2023_LGBR_693169_1 dated 04-01-2023)
E-Tender notice for Supply of journals to Central Library, LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_732092_1 dated 29-12-2022)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_731427_1 dated 26-12-2022)
E-Tender notice for AMC For Maintenance of the 33 KV dedicated feeder From Batamari 33 KV Sub Station to LGBRIMH 33 KV Sub Station Control Room (CPP Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_730365_1 dated 20-12-2022)
Corrigendum regarding cancellation of E-Tender vide No. LGB/PE/566/2014-15/8793 dated 09/12/2022
E-Tender notice for Supply, Installation, commissioning and operation of Kiosk based Automated Queue Management System (AQMS) for LGBRIMH, Tezpur (CPP Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_729852_1 dated 16-12-2022)
E-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated ESR analyzer and Urine analyzer (CPP Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_729503_1 dated 15-12-2022)
E-Tender notice for supply of medicines to LGBRIMH to be used in the Department of Addiction Medicine (CPP Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_728619_1 dated 12-12-2022)
Tender for supply of medicines to LGBRIMH to be used in the Department of Addiction Medicine
Corrigendum regarding cancellation of EOI for empanelment of vendors for supply of books vide EOI no. LGB/LIB/228/3919/2017/8555 dated 29-11-2022
Notice Inviting quotation for Supply of Rubber Stamps, Name Plates, etc. to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for AMC For Maintenance of the 33 KV dedicated feeder From Batamari 33 KV Sub Station to LGBRIMH 33 KV Sub Station Control Room (Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_728309_1 dated 09-12-2022)
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated coagulation analyzer (Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_727927_1 dated 08-12-2022)
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer
Re-Quotation notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Biometric Attendance Device Along With Cloud Based Attendance Dashboard at LGBRIMH, Tezpur(Epublish Tender ID: 2022_LGBR_688547_1 dated 01-12-2022)
EOI for empanelment of vendors for supply of Medical Books at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
GeM Re-Auction Notice for auction of unserviceable/dismantled materials in the LGBRIMH, Tezpur (GeM Auction Id: 3186 dated 18-11-2022)
GeM Bid for Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops and Peripherals (GeM Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2741181 dated 17-11-2022)
Re-quotation notice for sealed quotations are hereby invited from interested firms for providing of Office refreshment at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Cancellation Notice with reference to the quotation calling notice no.LGB/NAZ/1396/21-22/4687 Dated 19/08/2022, for provideing office refreshment to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_723290_1 dated 14-11-2022)
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated Immunoassay analyzer (Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_723341_1 dated 14-11-2022)
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated Immunoassay analyzer
GeM Bid for Automated Hematology Analyser ( 5 Part ) (Q3) (GeM Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2713873 dated 07-11-2022)
GeM Bid for Immunoassay Analyzers (Q2) (GeM Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2714397 dated 07-11-2022)
Re-Quotation notice for supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of items to develop the OPD Classroom for Virtual Classroom at LGBRIMH, Tezpur(CPP Epublish Tender ID: 2022_LGBR_685131_1 dated 07-11-2022)
Quotation notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV Camera at LGBRIMH, Tezpur as per the scope of work and on the terms and conditions(CPP Epublish Tender ID: 2022_LGBR_685124_1 dated 07-11-2022)
GeM Auction Notice for auction of unserviceable/dismantled materials in the LGBRIMH, Tezpur (GeM Auction Id: 2990 dated 04-11-2022)
Quotation notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Biometric Attendance Device Along With Cloud Based Attendance Dashboard at LGBRIMH, Tezpur(CPP Epublish Tender ID: 2022_LGBR_684400_1 dated 02-11-2022)
Tender notice for supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of items to develop the OPD Classroom for Virtual Classroom (CPP Epublish Tender ID: 2022_LGBR_682716_1 dated 18-10-2022)
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_717749_1 dated 13-10-2022)
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Automated Immunoassay analyzer (Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_716731_1 dated 07-10-2022)
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited for providing of fixing stainless steel foothpath bollards in front of Administrative block in LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited for providing of LED sign board in front of Administrative building in LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of printing items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Tender ID: 2022_LRIMH_710993_1 dated 07-09-2022)
Tender for Supply of printing items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of dietary items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender for Supply of dietary items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of software/platform which will provide Remote Access of e-journals of NMLERMED consortium from outside campus
Tender for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of software/platform which will provide Remote Access of e-journals of NMLERMED consortium from outside campus
Sealed Quotations are invited for renewal of fortigate 100D firewall and AMC of the device at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
E-publishing for sealed Quotations are invited for renewal of fortigate 100D firewall and AMC of the device at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply, installation and commissioning of consumables and spare parts (as per Annexure I) of Auto Scrubber Machine, Ride on Sweeper Machine and Single Disc Scrubber Machine as per specification
Tender for Supply, installation and commissioning of consumables and spare parts (as per Annexure I) of Auto Scrubber Machine, Ride on Sweeper Machine and Single Disc Scrubber Machine as per specification
Sealed quotations are hereby invited from interested firms for providing of Office refreshment at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of psychotropic medicines to LGBRIMH
Tender for Supply of psychotropic medicines to LGBRIMH
Tender notice for Supply of Diesel, Petrol and lubricant to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender for Supply of Diesel, Petrol and lubricant to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) ,Consumables & Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated open Clinical Chemistry Analyzer (Floor model)
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) ,Consumables & Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated open Clinical Chemistry Analyzer (Floor model)
Cancellation Notice with reference to the quotation calling notice no.LGB/NAZ/1403/P-II/2605 Dated 05/05/2022, for rate contract of supply of X-ray and CT films to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited from Manufacturer, Authorized firm/organization/ agency etc. for rate contract of supply of quality control (External and Internal) to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited from Manufacturer/Authorized dealer/Distributor/supplier etc. for rate contract of refilling of Oxygen cylinder to LGBRIMH, Tezpur as per the specification given in the quotation notice
Sealed re-quotations are hereby invited from reputed firms/ agencies/ individuals for "Anti-ant insect chemical spray for library book" services at the Central Library of LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited for repairing of existing ceiling fan and wall fan at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited from Manufacturer/Authorized dealer/Distributor/supplier etc. for rate contract of refilling of Oxygen cylinder to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Extension of last date of submission of quotation for supply of X-ray and CT film to LGBRIMH, Tezpur vide Tender No. LGBA/NAZ/1403/P-II/2605 dated 25-05-2022
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited from AERB authorized firm/organization/agency etc. for Quality Assurance (QA) test of following Radiological Equipments to LGBRIMH, Tezpur(Re-quotation)
Sealed rate quotation are invited for supply, installation and commissioning of Incinerator Burner
Sealed rate quotation are invited from dealer/supplier/firm for rate contract of refilling of cartridge and supply of black ink to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Coloring and replacing of Lock for existing Almirah at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender for Coloring and replacing of Lock for existing Almirah at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited from Manufacturer, Authorized firm/organization/agency etc. for rate contract of supply of X-ray and CT films to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed rate quotation are invited for Emergency Maintenance of Submersible Pump at Water Supply Scheme LGBRIMH Tezpur
Sealed rate quotation are invited for Supply and installation of 33 KV sub station item at LGBRIMH Tezpur
Extension of last date for submission of quotations for 'Anti-ant insect chemical spray for library book' services at Central Library of LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed Quotations are invited with rate contract for supply, printing and designing of Identity Card for LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (kits), Consumables and Chemicals for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer(Floor type with stat facility)
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents kits Consumables and Chemicals for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer(Floor type with stat facility)
Sealed Re-Quotations are invited for Installation, commissioning and operation of cloud based Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) system for LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed rate re-quotation are hereby invited from AERB authorized firm/organization/agency etc. for Quality Assurance (QA) test of Radiological Equipments to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents kits Consumables and Chemicals for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated open Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents kits Consumables and Chemicals for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated open Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited for Annual rate contract for supply of Diesels, Petrol and lubricant at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender for supply of medicine to LGBRIMH vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/3975/21/2267 Dated-13/04/2022
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited from Manufacturer, Authorised firm/organization/agency etc. for rate contract of supply of X-ray and CT films to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Short Quotations calling notice are invited for 'Anti-ant insect chemical spray for library book' services at Central Library of LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Short Quotations calling notice are invited for supplying of video conferencing software (for 1 year) to LGBRIMH, Tezpur(Re-quotation)
Sealed rate quotations are invited from AERB authorized firm/organisation/agency etc. for Quality Assurance (QA) test of Radiological Equipments to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed Re-Quotations are invited for software/platform which will provide Remote Access of e-journals of NML-ERMED consortium from outside campus vide No. LGB/IT/2036/20/P-I/1847 dated 30th March, 2022 Cancellation Notice in reference to quotation No. LGB/LIB/228/1273/PT-C/2020/850 dated 14th February, 2022
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits), Consumables and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer (Floor type with stat facility)
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits), Consumables and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Random Access Medium Throughput Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer (Floor type with stat facility)
Sealed Quotations are invited for Installation, commissioning and operation of cloud based Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) system for LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Re-Tender for Supply, installation and commissioning of consumables and spares for Auto Scrubber Machine, Ride on Sweeper Machine and Single Disc Scrubber Machine vide tender no. LGB/AMS/Hospital Machineries/2021/20/1346 dt 08-03-2022
Re-Tender for Supply, installation and commissioning of consumables and spares for Auto Scrubber Machine, Ride on Sweeper Machine and Single Disc Scrubber Machine vide tender no. LGB/AMS/Hospital Machineries/2021/20/1346 dt 08-03-2022<
Short Quotations calling notice are invited for repairing and servicing of water pump 1.00 H.P., make Crompton at Kitchen to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Short Quotations calling notice are invited for supplying of video conferencing software (for 1 year) to LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Short Quotations calling notice for Painting Wall pictures and Display board in Hospital at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed Quotations are invited for software/platform which will provide Remote Access of e-journals of NML-ERMED consortium from outside campus vide No. LGB/LIB/228/1273/PT-C/2020/850 dated 14th February, 2022
Tender for Supply, installation and commissioning of consumables and spares for Auto Scrubber Machine, Ride on Sweeper Machine and Single Disc Scrubber Machine vide tender no. LGB/AMS/Hospital Machineries/2021/20/0365 dt 20-1-22
Tender for Supply, installation and commissioning of consumables and spares for Auto Scrubber Machine, Ride on Sweeper Machine and Single Disc Scrubber Machine vide tender no. LGB/AMS/Hospital Machineries/2021/20/0365 dt 20-1-22<
Notice for short quotations calling for supplying of Zoom Meeting Pro license(Annual) and Zoom Webinar license for 500 participants (Annual) at LGBRIMH,Tezpur
Notice for short quotations calling for Repairing of Gas stoves in Hospital Kitchen and Staff Kitchen at LGBRIMH,Tezpur
Notice for short quotations calling for Repairing and servicing and replacement of faulty 1.5 Tr. Compressor at CT scan UPS Room in LGBRIMH campus Tezpur
Notice for short quotations calling for supply of 33KV Sub station maintenance items at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Notice re-inviting quotations from interested firms for running of departmental canteen at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Cancellation Notice for tender no. LGB/NAZ/1396/21-22/5018 dated 06.12.2021 for running of departmental canteen at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Notice for extension of due date of Expression of Interest (EOI) from reputed hospitals/ Nursing homes located at Tezpur/ Guwahati, Assam for OPD consultation, emergency casualty, Indoor treatment & investigations of LGBRIMH, Tezpur beneficiaries
Sealed Quotations are invited from the interested firms for running of departmental canteen at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Short Quotation calling notice for providing Internet facility at Child Ward OPD at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Expression of Interest (EOI) is hereby invited from reputed hospitals/ Nursing homes located at Tezpur/ Guwahati, Assam for OPD consultation, emergency casualty, Indoor treatment & investigations of LGBRIMH, Tezpur beneficiaries
Sealed rate quotation are hereby invited from authorised pollution control board recognised laboratory for stack monitoring and ambient air monitoring testing on Incinerator, ETP and STP at LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Tender notice for Supply of dietary items to LGBRIMH Tezpur vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1329/P-I/20-21/3967 dated 04-10-2021
Tender for Supply of dietary items to LGBRIMH Tezpur vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1329/P-I/20-21/3967 dated 04-10-2021<
Re-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated ESR analyzer (Model-Cube 30 Touch Make- Diesse Diagnostica Senese S.P.A) and Urine analyzer (Model-Laura Smart Make-Erba Lachema S.R.O)
Re-Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated ESR analyzer (Model-Cube 30 Touch Make- Diesse Diagnostica Senese S.P.A) and Urine analyzer (Model-Laura Smart Make-Erba Lachema S.R.O)
Re-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated Coagulation Analyzer (Make-Diagnostics Stago, Model-STA Compact MAX)
Re-Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated Coagulation Analyzer (Make-Diagnostics Stago, Model-STA Compact MAX)
Re-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (Make-HD Consortium India Ltd Model-HDC-Lyte)
Re-Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (Make-HD Consortium India Ltd Model-HDC-Lyte)
Re-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Beckman Coulter Auto analyser (Model DxC 700 AU with ISE) as per the Specifications
Re-Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Beckman Coulter Auto analyser (Model DxC 700 AU with ISE) as per the Specifications
Re-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for TOSOH AIA 360 Automated Immunoassay analyzer
Re-Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for TOSOH AIA 360 Automated Immunoassay analyzer
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Dimension X-Pand Plus HM Biochemistry Analyzer (Make-Siemens Healthcare Ltd.) as per the Specifications vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/4020/21/3543 dated 09-09-2021
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Dimension X-Pand Plus HM Biochemistry Analyzer (Make-Siemens Healthcare Ltd.) as per the Specifications vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/4020/21/3543 dated 09-09-2021
Re-Tender notice for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated ESR analyzer (Model-Cube 30 Touch, Make- Diesse Diagnostica Senese S.P.A) and Urine analyzer (Model-Laura Smart, Make-Erba Lachema S.R.O) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/4012/19/3321 dated 26-08-2021
Re-Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated ESR analyzer (Model-Cube 30 Touch, Make- Diesse Diagnostica Senese S.P.A) and Urine analyzer (Model-Laura Smart, Make-Erba Lachema S.R.O) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/4012/19/3321 dated 26-08-2021
Tender notice for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (Make-HD Consortium India Ltd Model-HDC-Lyte) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1498/16/3323 dated 26-08-2021
Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (Make-HD Consortium India Ltd Model-HDC-Lyte) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1498/16/3323 dated 26-08-2021
Tender notice for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated Coagulation Analyzer (Make-Diagnostics Stago, Model-STA Compact MAX) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/4011/19/3322 dated 26-08-2021
Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated Coagulation Analyzer (Make-Diagnostics Stago, Model-STA Compact MAX) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/4011/19/3322 dated 26-08-2021
Sealed tender invited for Rising of boundary wall in front of Auditorium hall near L.P. School in LGBRIMH, Tezpur
Sealed tender invited for Dismantaling, shifting including re-installation and commissioning of existing 250 KVA and 62.5 KVA DG set at 33 KV substations LGBRIMHShifting of existing 125 KVA x 2 nos DG set including re-installation and commissioning with civil works at 33 KV substations LGBRIMH
Re-Tender notice for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Beckman Coulter Auto analyser (Model DxC 700 AU with ISE) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/4013/20/3099 Dated-10/08/2021
Re-Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals for Beckman Coulter Auto analyser (Model DxC 700 AU with ISE) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/4013/20/3099 Dated-10/08/2021
Re-Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) & Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for TOSOH AIA 360 Automated Immunoassay analyzer vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 1467/11/P-I/3100 dated 10-08-2021
Re-Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) & Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for TOSOH AIA 360 Automated Immunoassay analyzer vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 1467/11/P-I/3100 dated 10-08-2021
Tender notice for Supply of Printing items to LGBRIMH Tezpur vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1364/20-21/2971 dated 03-08-2021
Tender for Supply of Printing items to LGBRIMH Tezpur vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1364/20-21/2971 dated 03-08-2021
Tender notice for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated ESR analyzer (Model-Cube 30 Touch, Make- Diesse Diagnostica Senese S.P.A) and Urine analyzer (Model-Laura Smart, Make-Erba Lachema S.R.O) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 4012/19/2921 dated 30-07-2021
Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated ESR analyzer (Model-Cube 30 Touch, Make- Diesse Diagnostica Senese S.P.A) and Urine analyzer (Model-Laura Smart, Make-Erba Lachema S.R.O) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 4012/19/2921 dated 30-07-2021
Tender notice for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (Make-HD Consortium India Ltd Model-HDC-Lyte) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1498/16/2920 Dated 30/07/2021
Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Fully Automated Electrolyte Analyzer (Make-HD Consortium India Ltd Model-HDC-Lyte) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1498/16/2920 Dated 30/07/2021
Tender notice for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated Coagulation Analyzer (Make-Diagnostics Stago, Model-STA Compact MAX) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 4011/19 /2922 dated 30-07-2021
Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Automated Coagulation Analyzer (Make-Diagnostics Stago, Model-STA Compact MAX) vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 4011/19 /2922 dated 30-07-2021
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Beckman Coulter Auto analyser (Model DxC 700 AU with ISE) as per the Specifications vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 4013/20/2427 dated 12th July 2021
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for Beckman Coulter Auto analyser (Model DxC 700 AU with ISE) as per the Specifications vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 4013/20/2427 dated 12th July 2021
Tender notice for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for TOSOH AIA 360 Automated Immunoassay analyzer vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 1467/11/P-I/2426 dated 12th july 2021
Tender for Supply of Laboratory Reagents (Kits) and Chemicals (As per Annexure I) for TOSOH AIA 360 Automated Immunoassay analyzer vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/ 1467/11/P-I/2426 dated 12th july 2021
Etender notice for Supply of psychotropic medicine to LGBRIMH, Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1481/21-22/2027 dated 11-06-2021
Etender for Supply of psychotropic medicine to LGBRIMH, Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1481/21-22/2027 dated 11-06-2021
Sealed quotations are hereby invited for refilling of toner/cartridges for 1 year in LGBRIMH, Tezpur vide quotation no. LGB/NAZ/1338/2020/P-II/1654 dated 05-05-2021
Tender notice for Procurement of Comprehensive Software System for Accounting and Administration at LGBRIMH, Data Centre Tezpur vide Tender no. LGB/NAZ/4007/19/4100 dated 24-11-2020
Tender for Procurement of Comprehensive Software System for Accounting and Administration at LGBRIMH, Data Centre Tezpur vide Tender no. LGB/NAZ/4007/19/4100 dated 24-11-2020
Retender notice for Supply of General & Anesthesia Medicine to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/3975/20/3676 dated 02-11-2020
Retender for Supply of Supply of General & Anesthesia Medicine to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/3975/20/3676 dated 02-11-2020
Etender notice for Supply of General & Anesthesia Medicine to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/3975/20/3218 dated 23-09-2020
Etender for Supply of Supply of General & Anesthesia Medicine to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/3975/20/3218 dated 23-09-2020
Etender notice for Supply of Dietary items to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1364/20-21/3124 dated 15-09-2020
Etender for Supply of Supply of Dietary items to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1364/20-21/3124 dated 15-09-2020
Etender notice for Supply of General and Anesthesia medicine to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/3975/20/2868 dated 19-08-2020
Etender for Supply of General and Anesthesia medicine to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/3975/20/2868 dated 19-08-2020
Bid cancellation notice vide GEM BID No. GEM/2019/B/350651 dated 11.09.2019
Bid cancellation notice vide GEM BID No. GEM/2019/B/350591 dated 11.09.2019
Etender notice for Supply of Hygienic, Stationery and Printing items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1364/19-20/1500 dated 13-05-2020
Etender for Supply of Hygienic, Stationery and Printing items to LGBRIMH, Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1364/19-20/1500 dated 13-05-2020
Etender notice for Supply of psychotropic medicine to LGBRIMH, Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1481/20-21/1116 dated 24-03-2020
Etender for Supply of psychotropic medicine to LGBRIMH, Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1481/20-21/1116 dated 24-03-2020
Etender notice for Supply of Hygienic, Stationery and Printing items to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1364/19-20/841 dated 28-02-2020
Etender for Supply of Hygienic, Stationery and Printing items to LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/NAZ/1364/19-20/841 dated 28-02-2020
The last date of bid submission for the following tenders has been extended till 24-02-2020
LGB/NAZ/1419/05/P-II/279 dated 22-01-2020
LGB/NAZ/1419/05/P-II/280 dated 22-01-2020
LGB/NAZ/1419/05/P-II/281 dated 22-01-2020
Amendment in tender specification vide tender no. LGB/NAZ/1419/05/P-II/280 dated 22-01-2020
Etender notice for Construction of protection wall with drain at back side of Type-II, III and IV quarters in the LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/PE/600/2020/455 dated 03-02-2020
Etender for Construction of protection wall with drain at back side of Type-II, III and IV quarters in the LGBRIMH,Tezpur Tender no. LGB/PE/600/2020/455 dated 03-02-2020
Etender notice for supply, installation & commissioning of HPLC based automated analyzer for HbA1c & Hemoglobinopathy Testing, Water Purification System, Semi Auto Analyzer, Laboratory Refrigerator, Laboratory Centrifuge, Incubator,Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/279 dated 22-01-2020
Etender for supply, installation & commissioning of HPLC based automated analyzer for HbA1c & Hemoglobinopathy Testing, Water Purification System, Semi Auto Analyzer, Laboratory Refrigerator, Laboratory Centrifuge, Incubator vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/279 dated 22-01-2020
Etender notice for supply, installation & commissioning of Analytical balance, Automated Identification & Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing system, Automated Blood Culture system, Automated air Sampler, Bacteriological Incubator, Bio-Safety cabinet Class II, Chemiluminecence assay system, Electronic Pipettes digitally Adjustable, Hot air Oven, Laboratory Refrigerator, Microbiological autoclave , Multi Channel pipettes vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/280 dated 22-01-2020
Etender for supply, installation & commissioning of Analytical balance, Automated Identification & Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing system, Automated Blood Culture system, Automated air Sampler, Bacteriological Incubator, Bio-Safety cabinet Class II, Chemiluminecence assay system, Electronic Pipettes digitally Adjustable, Hot air Oven, Laboratory Refrigerator, Microbiological autoclave , Multi Channel pipettes vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/280 dated 22-01-2020
Etender notice for supply, installation & commissioning of Automated Haematology Cell Counter, Capillary Electrophoresis System, Laboratory Refrigerator vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/281 dated 22-01-2020
Etender for supply, installation & commissioning of Automated Haematology Cell Counter, Capillary Electrophoresis System, Laboratory Refrigerator vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/281 dated 22-01-2020
Etender notice for Construction of road from auditorium to canteen and connected to main hospital parking area at LGBRIMH,Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/PE/585/2011/6076(B) dated 19-12-2019
Etender for Construction of road from auditorium to canteen and connected to main hospital parking area at LGBRIMH,Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/PE/585/2011/6076(B) dated 19-12-2019
Etender notice for Electrical Street Light earlier OPD to Main hospital and auditorium to canteen in the LGBRIMH Campus,Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/PE/585/2011/6076(D) dated 19-12-2019
Etender for Electrical Street Light earlier OPD to Main hospital and auditorium to canteen in the LGBRIMH Campus,Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/PE/585/2011/6076(D) dated 19-12-2019
Etender notice for Construction footpath from earlier OPD building to Main hospital building at LGBRIMH,Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/PE/585/2011/6076A dated 19-12-2019
Etender for Construction footpath from earlier OPD building to Main hospital building at LGBRIMH,Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/PE/585/2011/6076A dated 19-12-2019
Etender notice for Improvement of road from earlier OPD building to Main hospital building at LGBRIMH, Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/PE/585/2011/6076(C) dated 19-12-2019
Etender for Improvement of road from earlier OPD building to Main hospital building at LGBRIMH, Tezpur vide Tender no.LGB/PE/585/2011/6076(C) dated 19-12-2019
Etender notice for supply, installation and commissioning of Automated Haematology Cell Counter, Capillary Electrophoresis System, Laboratory Refrigerator vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/5625 dated 19-11-2019
Etender for supply, installation and commissioning of Automated Haematology Cell Counter, Capillary Electrophoresis System, Laboratory Refrigerator vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/5625 dated 19-11-2019
Etender notice for supply, installation and commissioning of HPLC based automated analyzer for HbA1c and Hemoglobinopathy Testing, Water Purification System, Semi Auto Analyzer, Laboratory Refrigerator, Laboratory Centrifuge, Incubator vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/5623 dated 19-11-2019
Etender for supply, installation and commissioning of HPLC based automated analyzer for HbA1c and Hemoglobinopathy Testing, Water Purification System, Semi Auto Analyzer, Laboratory Refrigerator, Laboratory Centrifuge, Incubator vide Tender no.LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/5623 dated 19-11-2019
Etender notice for supply, installation and commissioning of Analytical balance, Automated Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing system for Bacteria and Yeasts, Automated system for Blood Culture, Automated air Sampler, Bacteriological Incubator etc vide Tender no. LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/5624 dated 19-11-2019
Etender for supply, installation and commissioning of Analytical balance, Automated Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing system for Bacteria and Yeasts, Automated system for Blood Culture, Automated air Sampler, Bacteriological Incubator etc vide Tender no. LGB/ NAZ/1419/05/P-II/5624 dated 19-11-2019
Etender notice for supply, installation & commissioning of repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) system and 40/128 Channel Digital Video EEG System with ERP Acquisition and Analysis vide Tender no. LGB/NAZ/3997/18/5593 dated 18.11.2019
Etender for supply, installation & commissioning of repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) system and 40/128 Channel Digital Video EEG System with ERP Acquisition and Analysis vide Tender no. LGB/NAZ/3997/18/5593 dated 18.11.2019
Etender notice for supply, installation & commissioning of Physiotherapy equipments vide Tender no. LGB/ NAZ/1446/18-19/P-II/5595 dated 18.11.2019
Etender for supply, installation & commissioning of Physiotherapy equipments vide Tender no. LGB/ NAZ/1446/18-19/P-II/5595 dated 18.11.2019